
Welcome to my new website. I am so excited to share with you the great message of health and healing. We have been created with amazing, self-healing bodies that can bounce back rather quickly from illness and abuse. My goal is to help educate people so that they can start to live a more vibrant and satisfying life!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


We have 9 week sessions periodically throughout the year. The classes are held at Stephanie's house in Menifee. Class topics include living vs. dead foods, cleansing, pure air and exercise, water and sunshine, stress and rest, emotions and biblical foundations. This class will include a delicious taste of the Hallelujah diet and lifestyle at each class along with the recipes. Email Stephanie for sign up information.
Our accountability groups meet during the school year, September through May. If you need a little extra support and education in the Hallelujah lifestyle, this class is for you. We meet on the first three Wednesday mornings of the month and enjoy covering various topics that pertain to our lifestyles. This class includes hands on food preparation. If you are interested in this group, email Stephanie for the details.

Come to our Culinary classes held on the 4th Thursday evenings of each month. They are held at Stephanie's house in Menifee. Each class includes a health lesson, a raw food demonstration and a full dinner, eating the food that was prepared in class. Our nightly themes have included Mexican, Italian, Asian, desserts and more...this class is a favorite of all who attend!

1 comment:

Special K said...

I am totally interested in attending the classes on learning to live healthier and to find out about the Hallelujah Diet.